by chia | Nov 30, 2022 | Blog
— IceBreaker Workshop “Do you see what I see” at The Social Hub Rotterdam postscript / 11.22.202—-
It was my pleasure to collaborate with The Social Hub Rotterdam & Venture Café Rotterdam (as always ^^) and hold my IceBreaking Workshop at The Social Hub Rotterdam during their special evening!
In my workshop as always, I saw people enjoying the drawing exercise, opening up, talking to each other with smiles, and even getting in further contact with each other. I really love to see that and enjoy it very much!
It was fun, but a bit too short. It would be great to have a bit longer time to hold this workshop there. 🙂
* Please feel free to contact me for Team Building and Networking Workshops or the Warm-Up section for your events. 
I do appreciate the crews of The Social Hub Rotterdam who assisted me to hold this workshop, and many participants there.
Aa always ~ I have to thank my Black Ink Monsters ambassadors again as well. They were helping me to bridge people! ^^

by chia | Nov 17, 2022 | Blog
It has been two weeks since I held my Visualize your Vision workshop. Finally, I found some time to write a brief for the workshop.
My motive for creating the “Visualize your Vision” workshop was to help people to find their inner motives through doodling. Because of many reasons, coincidentally it turned out to be a workshop that “helps people to set up goals and steps to reach their vision.” I would like to use the quote “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” from Forrest Gump.
It was great to see people enjoying the drawing exercise, opening up, and talking to each other with smiles in my workshop. At the same time, the assignment of the “Visualise your Vision” workshop has guided them to think about their life/career goals/visions and assisted them to clarify ideas and realize the steps toward their goals.
I didn’t expect so many participants would be in my workshop, and I got so much positive feedback from the participants. I will also adjust and improve my workshop according to the feedback. Hopefully I can offer even better and more fun workshops next time! ^^
* Please feel free to contact me for “Visualise your Vision” for your Venture Journey, Start-up or Career.
I do appreciate the crews of Venture Café who assisted me to hold workshops, and the participants in my workshop who have given me a lot of effective feedback. I have to thank Kate especially because she helped me to improve my workshop introduction.
Of course I have to thank my Black Ink Monster ambassador again. They were helping me to warm up the workshop! ^^

by chia | Aug 6, 2021 | Blog
— IceBreaker Workshop “Do you see what I see” postscript / 10.20.202—-
Last Thursday evening, I just held my IceBreaker workshop “Do you see what I see” for the first time at Venture Cafe Rotterdam. The main purpose of the IceBreaker Workshop is to assist people to connect in a safe and friendly environment and through creative and fun ways.
In my workshop, I saw people enjoying the drawing exercise, opening up, talking to each other with smiles, and even getting in further contact with each other. I do love to see that and enjoy it very much! 🙂
I also got so much unexpected positive feedback from the participants and also the observers. I will also adjust and improve my workshop according to the feedback. Hopefully, I can offer even better and more fun workshops next time! ^^
* Please feel free to contact me for Team Building and Networking Workshops or the Warm-Up section for your events. 🙂
I do appreciate the crews of Venture Café who have given me opportunities and assisted me in running many different workshops, and many participants at Venture Café and the participants in my workshop have given me a lot of effective feedback.
Oh ya~ I have to thank my Black Ink Monster ambassador again as well. He was helping me to warm up the workshop! ^^
— IceBreaker 工坊後記 / 10月20日—-
上週四晚上,剛試辦第一場 IceBreaker 工坊 “Do you see what I see” 。舉辦 IceBreaker 工坊主要以借由創意插畫的方式以及提供和善、安心環境讓參與者自在的與其他參與者進行交流。我非常享受看見參與者很沈浸在繪畫練習、和其他參與者自在、開心的交談,並且在工作坊結束後還留在會場進行更深的交流。:)
第一次工作坊結束後,我超級開心聽到參加者及旁觀者給我大大超出我預期的正面反饋! 我也會依據參與者給我的反饋為我的工坊做一些調整。希望之後我能舉辦更好、更有趣的工坊。
* 如果有 Team Building, Networking or Warm-Up section for your event, 歡迎與我聯絡喔~ ^^
超級感謝 Venture Café 人員給我機會及協助我辦多場不同的workshops,許多在Venture Café 的參與者和工坊的參與者 給我很多有效的 feedback. 🙂