Customised birth-card for Jack


Some of the little creatures are bringing the baby and gift for the baby to his future parents and others are preparing the baby room for the baby.

Customised birth-card for Jip


Ted, Ross and their cat enjoys living together very much. Now they are enthusiastically waiting for their baby, Jip, to come out from the egg and looking forward Jip becoming their new familie member. 🙂

Customised Notebook for Service Excellence 


Jan is an extremely handy man, and he always has good ideas to repair electronics or improve the housing condition.

Customised wedding tree for Morning & Eveline


Morning and Eveline has been together many many years. Now they decided to stay together for their whole life, build their love nest and have baby bird.

If you are interested in customised illustrations, pattern designs or products, please feel free to contact me!  ^_^


Get in touch with me

Do you want to work with me or do you have any questions?
Please contact me with the following info.

Email: info[at]
Phone: +31616373970
Address: Voorburgstraat, Rotterdam


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Wil je met mij samenwerken of heb je wat vragen?
Stuur me een e-mail of bel me.

Email: info[at]
Mobiel: +31616373970
Adres: Voorburgstraat, Rotterdam